Friday, September 9, 2011

The Steps of your life

Stephanie Y Palit
Photo by Sammy Palit
Hold the test means it has passed various tests, and this means something good and quality.
Before a car is marketed, the manufacturer would do a series of tests. As heavy field test, as better the car will be produced.

Up there, the Lord has prepared a great life and wonderful. And if we want it, we must seize it himself, we must rise to face a variety of exams, which sometimes are beyond our power as human beings.

Therefore we must have vision, his strength will make us a formidable person and never give up. And believe me,we're not yourself, consciously or not, God always be there to maintain, initiate and pay attention to us. Vision is the force that will guard our steps to keep moving forward towards the highest life.

The step of your life will not be further from your vision.

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