Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Prevail of God

Phanie, Nessa, Fanie, Jo, Liza, Lea
Photo by Sammy Palit
Give thanks and praise go hand in hand, because praise is often a reflection of thanksgiving. When Paul and Silas inprison, they chose to praise the Lord, and that's thanksgiving because God gave them their reward for suffering in his name.

Thanksgiving and praise when combined will produce power, and that experienced by Paul and Silas. Suddenlydisconnected chains, bondage broken and all the prison doors open.

When the chains and shackles of temptation binding, when issues such as the prison door closed roads, or whensickness comes like stripes former Roman whip, what will we do? Surely grumble and complain as our humanitarian response. But if we choose the way of Paul and Silas, then the miracle would happen.

Hearts full of thanksgiving and praise to God always exciting Him to continue to reigns there.

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