Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Bandung City
Photo by Sammy Palit
John 14:6 Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

What will happen tomorrow? We will never know until we got there. Life is like walking in a labyrinth where in each corner there is not only deadlock but also a trap.

In Fantasy World, Ancol, Jakarta there is a labyrinth made ​​of mirrors. When you go in there then we will be confused with the tunnel-aisle of one another exactly the same. Fortunately, each entry there, can always find a way out. Because that's just a game. But the name labyrinth of life, let's see, here and there a lot of peoplestumbled, lethargy and despair, they lose direction and path. The labyrinth has claimed the lives of purpose andspirit of life is very precious.

Now they are waiting for someone to help him, like a crippled man in the pool of Bethesda, who for decades satthere, no one cares, especially help her to come over to the Lord Jesus, save him.

Do not let the labyrinth of life grabbed purpose and spirit of life. When that happens, call the name of the Lord, He is the Way, Truth and Life.

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