Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Think Positif

Pasupati Fly Over, Bandung - Indonesia
Photo by Sammy Palit
Thinking negative or positive thinking, is a lifestyle with different results, and from the way he spoke we'll know. IfElijah a negative-minded, when his servant said that the clouds are visible only as much of a fist, he would grumble,because rain is not possible. So also when the ravens, which are considered unclean animal that disgusting coming,he would drive out and rebuked the way, it turns out that birds brought him food.

Negative thoughts will bring us to a state of bitter, dark and dead ends. This is what happened to Saul, first king of Israel. David is a state asset, but for Saul, he was a threat, and that's what happened.

Think positive, then things would change, even in difficult times.

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