Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Light of Heart

The Light of Heart

Solomon is not only an intelligent and wise king, but also fair in resolving the matter. All nations and the king knew, and wanted to know him more closely, among them there is a queen, whose name was Sheba, from Ethiopia.

He came not with empty hands, a variety of jewelry and valuables were taken and presented to Solomon, as a tribute and a high sense of admiration. Apparently people talk about Solomon is not nonsense, as the queen of Sheba came home a different person, he was so happy to get part of the charm of a Solomon.

Solomon is the image of beauty, majesty and justice of God. Every time we meet with Him, we will experience the same feeling with the queen of Sheba, even thousands of times larger, because God is the unlimited source.

The quality of our meeting with God is dependent on the condition of our own hearts.

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