Thursday, September 29, 2011

Five stars hotel for the heart

preparation for flight
Photo by Sammy Palit
If we travel, plan well, so the trip was really give the maximum pleasure and experience. If you have enough blessings, look for the best hotel, at least a three-star, because there we will get everything you need. Because a good place to make our lives better.

Where your treasure is there your heart. The heart is the center of life, so we're where the heart is where our whole lives. That's why pick the best places, valuable and precious to this heart.

Money, property or power is not the best place for our hearts. That all such rundown hotels, dirty and messy. Do not ask the facility, the service was very bad. But strangely a lot of people, who put his life there. Only one place,namely His presence, that a five star hotel for our hearts.

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