Monday, September 5, 2011

The Burdens

photo by sammy palit
How long can we survive the anxiety, fear and anxiety, which suppresses such an unpleasant burden? And why did it happen?

Usually it happens because the load there is a threat that threatens life, or because a big mistake that could not be repaired, or also because of a responsibility that can not be met.

When this happens, we need not deliverance,
photo by sammy palit
because the loads it will always appear at any time, but a larger force,which converts these burdens may be light, but where can be found such strength? The answer is God.

Anyone who makes God as the source of life, have an unlimited source of power, and not just for a moment, butforever.

When the burdens of life pressing, all we need is not deliverance but the greater strength of these burdens.

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