Sunday, August 7, 2011

God Here

Running Lights
Photo by Sammy Palit
In a discussion about the creation, discussion leader takes the middle way to resolve the deadlock with aseparation argument belief. He separates the two major groups, which who believe that humans came from monkeys and who believe that man created God. "Please, those who believe as the descendants of monkeys gathered next to my left, while the assembled believers as God's creation right next to me." The result is no one left off the fence.

Teory that humans come from animals out of the mind false. Mind against his own conscience. For the worship of God is the nature of human beings are conscious beings as God's creation.

God is real, He is omni present, we can feel Him. Even people who do not want to acknowledge his existence, unconsciously, that declare He's existence. They just do not want to believe in Him, not hope and pray to him and not be bothered to live in His will.

Recognized or not, God exists. It was he who created all and everything will return to Him.

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