Saturday, August 27, 2011

Changing the world

Learning the Bible
Matthew 5:13 "Ye are the salt of the earth. If the salt has become tasteless, how can it be salted? No more pointlessthan thrown out and trampled people.

What we have created on this earth? What is our contribution to world peace, at least the family, at least his ownheart. If our own hearts are always chaotic, how can it contribute to world peace. What is our contribution to human welfare, or that there is only self-interest.

In his book, Joel Osteen once wrote about one of his congregation who live in misery because widowed wife. His heart gave a grim grim impacts to the whole life. Joel Osteen only give one advice only, "go out, comfort those whoare gloomy and sad as you." And he changed. And the result, a lot of people who recovered from his grief. And theministry continues to greater things in a big church.

What should we make to this world that is changing. And this is Mission Impossible, we do not have the power tochange the world, no matter how small until we changing ourselves.

Repentance is a change in priorities, of prioritizing the world to the spiritual, of prioritizing things temporarily to things that are eternal, from the priority logic to faith.

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