Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Pangandaran Beach, Indonesia
Photo by Sammy Palit
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am lonely and afflicted.

In the tv program discovery, extrem log, it seems a giant chainsaw to cut a large tree in just seconds. Say two fallen trees in one minute, one hour means that 120 trees, 10-hour mean 1200 trees, is not until one year of a dense forest of Kalimantan were definitely out. Then the only remaining garbage and swamp. Finally the disaster a matter of time. But we hope they also realize to maintain a balance so that they can still work but the earth remain green.

On the highway, like the city of Bandung for example, the growth path with the vehicle is not balanced. Car and motorcycle sales always go up every year to 20 percent, while only 2 percent growth path. consequently jammed every where. Hopefully the government can create balance by creating a creative solution in which the entrepreneur can still run the business, and we road users can go anywhere in comfort.

In many people's lives destroyed because too much priority to worldly pleasures, too prioritizes the work, or too much priority to be accepted by the higher communities, while the most important thing in life, namely to maintain a relationship with God is neglected.

The breakdown in relationship with God means we must face life alone. Prioritizing the Lord because only a lifestyle like that of balance maintained.

The balance between God and the pleasure is good, but God as spiritual pleasure is the best.

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