Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sowing the faith

Cikuray Mount, Garut, West Java, Indonesia
Photo by Sammy Palit
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is the future and today a gift of grace.

Only three things that we must live in life, first the past, we've lived, and the result islife at this time. If in the past, live in hard work, diligent, patient and creative, so now of course the circumstances have been ten or even a thousand times greater. If the pastwe live our lives in faith and hope, then it must have reached the life that God hasprepared in advance.

Secondly, today we live, whatever the case, is the grace of God alone. When wemade ​​it through the past, with various trials, may not even just once or twice, livingalmost drowned, because of the storm, but each time the hand of God has alwayssaved.

Third, the future is a place where we walk. What kind of shape is dependent uponwhat we sow today.

Sows the wind reaps the storm, sowing faith reap miracles.

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