Monday, July 25, 2011


Jakarta - Bandung Highway
Photo by Sammy Palit
Dare to say no to a profitable crime, enjoyable sin, false ism that promising future or the dazzling magic, is the lifestyle of those who hope in God.

In our country today, corruption has reached a worrying stage, even if they in jail, the corruptors life are happy. Likewise, the hedonism or the pleasure of life that just put the body, which corrupt the true meaning of life, makes a lot of people forget themselves, families and even God, is also false isms that grow in the form of prophecies to promising the future, not to mention the magic that is present in the form of performances dazzling magical vulgar, like mentalist show, a lucrative money-producing industry, which makes more people interested in the powers of darkness.

All that makes us hopeless and pessimistic view, is it true? Apparently not, because there are still many people who dare to say no, and they function like the salt that prevents decay, and bright lighthouse to rescue many boat of lives lost.

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