Sunday, June 26, 2011

The name of God

Paul was an apostle of Christ experienced many wonderful things in life, especially those related to his ministry, he had been stoned, had experienced a storm that makes the ship was sinking, and of course the Roman soldiers torture in prisonPhilippi. But everything he lived until the end

Paul and us alike. Equally human with all the advantages and weaknesses, it's justPaul's dependence on God has reached the perfect point. He never refused the call of God to do something, because he did everything in God and the name of God, and that is its strength.

The name of God is the greatest power, and His name one could do great matters, for the sake of His glory. And if his name is glorified then great glory will be a part of our lives forever.

The only way we can solve all until the end, to live and doing in the Lord and in His name.

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