Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mental Fatigue

Tired, tired and tired of always going after our hard day's work, and when in forsir without the rest, the body will collapse. So also with the soul, when pressed continuously without stopping, the result can be worse than physical fatigue.

Like Saul, his soul is tired. He was pressured by the success of David, envy andbitterness itself has become its biggest problem. He chose to die of suicide. Likewise, the Judas who regret cause had betrayed of Jesus, which continually pressing his soul, took him to the same action with Saul.

Today, when we experienced the same thing, come to Him, and do not forget to carry all the burden of life, and He will give refreshing we need.

The best solution to tired souls who are coming to the Lord in prayer, and He isalways waiting for us there all the time.

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